Friday 13 August 2010

Secure in my insecurities

I irritate myself endlessly. I'm sure this is not peculiar to me, and that there are many, many people who finds themselves gratingly annoying - but I have had enough.

I've been invited to a Full Moon Drumming session. I'd love to go. But I know that I won't because I am too afraid that I shall a) do something wrong, or b) be so obnoxious that everyone loathes me and begins to shun me in the street.

No, I'm not kidding.

Where do these insecurities come from? Why can't I be normal? As I say... I irritate myself endlessly with this ridiculous need to please. It has gotten to the stage where I am avoiding social situations so that people don't get the chance to dislike me!

Does that sound like the actions of a sane person? No. I didn't think so. *sigh*

In lighter news I have heard back from Island Pictures. Not much... just an email to say thanks for the synopsis and he hopes to get back to me at the end of next week. At least I don't need to be checking my emails every half an hour now. It's nice to have a company considerate enough to acknowledge you like that.

Incidentally, for my own records, 'Intermission' was previously called 'Phantasmagoria'. I loved the name (it was the title of an album by The Damned) but everyone else hated it. They were right. I was wrong. Intermission is better. =)

Have a beautiful day.

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